How to take photos everyday.

If you are active on my social media platforms you know that taking photos everyday is one of the things that I enjoy the most. It’s serves as practice at the same time documents everything. There’s something about looking back at photos at a later date that just feels good.

In this article, I wanted to share some tips and tricks or simple habits that I built over time with shooting daily, and documenting my life.

(shots from my photowalk in the Old Port of Montreal and Chinatown)

1) Keep your camera or phone with you at all times: To make sure you don't miss any photo opportunities, carry your camera or phone with you wherever you go.

Quite obvious but honestly this goes a long way. At times it can feel heavy to grab the camera with you everywhere you go, but there’s a reward to it. You also never know what’s out there. Every moment is unique and you might stumble on something extraordinary or nothing at all.

It’s an adventure.

2) Set a daily goal or intentions for the type and amount of shots you want to take each day and make a conscious effort to achieve it.

For some people. having no direction can make this exercise a little bit harder than it actually is. In my case, I just like shooting whatever. I like the challenge of composing and finding beauty in whatever. I guess that’s where my passion lies.

The best way I can give an example in my personal case, is my photowalks. I pick a location, and go about this place to take pictures as best as I can. Have the intention but no expectations. I find that when you expect to get great images you’ll end up disappointed. Your mind is focussed on trying to be perfect instead of being in the moment and capturing what your eye and gut is telling you to capture.

You can set goals, but they do not need to be extraordinary or trying to make what’s boring look epic. Some stuff is just boring but keep in mind it’s the practice of shooting that’s going to make you a better photographer.

3) Look for inspiration:

Take inspiration from your surroundings, and look for interesting and unique things to capture in your photos.

Shooting everyday is definitely going to get hard but this is where it gets challenging. Your creativity is going to face those difficulties and pushing through those is what going to make you see better and be original.

Finding inspiration is very important and there are countless ways to do it.
I remember early on in my photography days, going to the museum was something that was sparking all sorts of ideas in my mind.

You never know what can bring the best ideas in you unless you keep trying. I found with time along with trial and error, that watching movies is what gets me going. Not just for images but also for how stories are told through frames.
Another way that I really enjoy and always ends up super motivated is through photobooks.

A tactile experience is always better than trying to find inspiration on social in my humble opinion.

4) Share your photos: Share your photos with friends and family, or post them on social media to get feedback and encouragement.

I strongly believe that sharing your images on social media or through a blog post or even through any other form helps a lot. At first it can make you feel like an imposter but remember to not compare your day 10 to someone else day 100 000. It’s about your journey and your images and not about them.

Sharing it with others will give you more confidence and make you more proud about yourself and work. It’s about the effort that you consistently put in that is going to get you to your day 100 000….

Sharing your work will also bring you feedback and encouragement. but don’t take them personally! That’s a line that’s easily crossed in any art form.

5) Your perspective is unique.

Never forget this very simple thing. No one sees like you do and the more perspectives we get to see the more we can witness beauty in different ways. Get out there and shoot.


3 tips to find your photography style.


Stop Overthinking your photography.